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General Information

  • What is is the first online, real-time court records site for Colorado Court Data. It was created as an initiative of the Colorado Judicial Branch and developed under contractual agreement.
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  • What are public records?
    Public Records are gathered by various offices and agencies with the purpose of being made publicly available.
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  • Are you the official website of the Colorado Judicial Branch?
    No, we aren't. That is
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  • What court records can I search?
    You can search both open and closed cases. In the district courts, cases included in the database include domestic relations, civil, and criminal. In the county courts, the cases in the database include traffic, traffic infraction, civil (to $10,000), small claims, and misdemeanors. Sealed cases are not available on the site. Also not included are juvenile and probate case types. Additionally, certain information within each case is non-public. Social security numbers are omitted, as are street addresses. All parties to a case except the plaintiff and defendant (and in domestic relations cases, the petitioner and the respondent) are considered non-public. This includes victims, police officers and jurors. Attorney names, however, are public. Long narratives are excluded from the database, as are suppressed, sealed, or confidential filing. Financial information - such as fines - is summarized, not detailed.
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  • What information is needed to conduct a court records search?
    We've made searching our database easier than ever! Just enter the last name and either the full first name, or part of the first name, of the defendant, petitioner or respondent.
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  • What information is provided on a search?
    CoCourts provides the Register of Action as reported in the State of Colorado Judicial ICON system. Information reported typically includes a number of basics on the case.

    Status; Court; Case Number; Case Type; Case File Date; Case Close Date; Judge or Magistrate; Agency; Sentence Date; Parties to the Case; Charges; Disposition; Plea; Scheduled Events

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  • What if I need more information than is contained in the result?
    You can check the Judicial Branch listings for the appropriate district or county court phone numbers and addresses. The branch's web site is
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  • What if I do not find what I am looking for on
    CoCourts provides the Register of Action as reported in the State of Colorado Judicial ICON system. Information reported typically includes a number of basics on the case. A list of items often found on a Register of Action is below. The information contained in the system is provided on an "as is" basis. We cannot provide refunds should you not find the case you are looking for, or if the case does not contain elements of information you are looking for. CoCourts does not report filings, minutes, and other details and documents -- only the basic summary of the case. ITEMS TYPICALLY FOUND ON REGISTER OF ACTION:
    Status; Court; Case Number; Case Type; Case File Date; Case Close Date; Judge or Magistrate; Agency; Sentence Date; Parties to the Case; Charges; Disposition; Plea; Scheduled Events
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  • What if the information provided is inaccurate?
    Government records can and do contain misinformation. If you find an inaccuracy, the Judicial Branch recommends that you write or call the applicable court.
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  • I need help. Where do I go?
    We have various ways to assist you with your search. You can click on the search tips button for information on better searching. It's located on each of the search screens. Or you can call us at (866) 277-7006, e-mail us:
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  • How timely is the information?
    The information is real-time. Therefore, when the change is made in the state system it is reflected here within the hour.
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  • Can I file a court document on this site?
    This is not the official state site. Therefore, if you need to file a document, you'll need to visit
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  • What does it mean when I get an internal error?
    Internal errors on a CoCourts search can happen for a number of reasons. An internal error is typically an isolated problem with a particular search, sometimes a result of user input error, but most often due to an internet/server glitch.

    If you receive an "internal error" or "timing out error" message on a search, please check your SEARCH HISTORY first located under My Profile. If the search does not appear in your SEARCH HISTORY, you were not charged for the search. Try to conduct the search again after waiting a minute or two. If you do receive consistent Internal Errors within a period of time, this may indicate a more consistent issue and we encourage you to contact the client relations department at (866) 277-7006 or
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  • With the new CoCourts link to Denver County Courts, how far back do the Denver County Courts records go?
    The types of cases and their "back to" dates are below:
    • General Sessions (municipal ordinance violations): 5/1/01
    • Criminal (statutory misdemeanor offenses including DUI): 10/1/75
    • Traffic (includes municipal violations, statutory violations including infractions and offenses, but not DUI): 1/1/99
    • Civil (like all other counties):1/1/86

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  • How much does it cost?
    The one-time cost per search is only up to $10.00 or less based on volume (see below). In many cases, your search will return more than one result. You do have up to 24 hours after the initial search to review any or all of the results by going through the Search History tab located under My Profile without being charged again. Once the 24 hour window has passed the search will need to be submitted and paid for again. And keep in mind that your search parameters may yield NO RESULTS - searches with no results DO also incur the regular search fee.
    When conducting a name search, you may search up to FOUR (4) First Names using the Same Last Name. All First Names MUST be submitted in the initial search by typing the first names into First Name space, separated by commas. The Last Name will remain the same for the search.

    *IMPORTANT: If you simply resubmit the search again rather than entering the various First Names at one time, you will be billed separately for each name searched.
    Example: Your target has the name of John Smith. But you are not certain of his exact first name spelling. You may search John, Jon, Jonathon, Jonathan – SMITH, all for the price of one search, provided you submitted all those names within one search.

    *IMPORTANT: If you hit the back button and then hit ENTER or SEARCH again after performing a search (whether changing your original search criteria or keeping them the same), you are generating a NEW search and you will be billed for that search.

    Check out the PRICING tab for more information.
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  • How do I pay?
    You can pay each time you search, or you can buy search credits in advance and draw them down. If you purchase search credits, the amount of search credits you have will be displayed on the search screen and adjusted as you perform additional searches.
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  • Is it safe to use my credit or debit card?
    Definitely! You can rest assured that your personal information will be protected.
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  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    Currently, accepts the following credit or debit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
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  • Can I prepay?
    If you choose to purchase search credits, you'll only be charged when you conduct a search. There are no periodic charges or subscription fees.
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  • Who can I contact with questions about my account?
    You can call us at (866) 277-7006, or e-mail us:
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Search Coverage

Privacy and Membership Information

  • How do I set up an account?
    Click here and enter your billing information and password.
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  • What if I've forgotten my password?
    It's no problem. Simply click here to get to the password reset page.
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  • After I've registered, can I change my billing information?
    Of course. Once you are logged in, just click on the "My Profile" then "Billing Profile", select "Create New Profile" enter your information, and hit save.
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  • Are you going to sell my personal information?
    Because we value your privacy, we will not compromise your trust by selling, transmitting, or sharing your account information with anyone else.
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  • Does your site track me as I use the web?
    No, but our site does use “cookies”, which are data files used to communicate with your web browser. These files are used exclusively to provide security and are not used to gather information about users. So, when you log out, the cookies won't be saved. And we won't share information about our users with any other site.
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  • Is there a sign-up fee?
    There are no hidden costs. If you are paying per search by credit or pre-purchasing search credits, you'll only pay the one-time cost per search fee of up to $10.00. If you contact LexisNexis Payment Solutions to receive monthly invoices rather than paying by credit card, your monthly invoice will be $100 minimum, regardless of the number of searches you perform.
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  • Disclaimer
    The names in this index are not a positive identification for your search. In the absence of other demographic information, the name you are viewing may or may not be the person you are searching for.
    The information on this index may contain only five years of criminal history depending on the jurisdiction. Criminal cases on this index may represent arrest filings only, and may not have been prosecuted by the District Attorney.
    To get detailed information, you must directly contact the court in which the case is filed.
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