The web site charges for each court record search you perform.

All searches are $10.00 or less.

  • The price may be reduced depending on the jurisdictions you are searching and the volume of searches you perform each month. All volume pricing is custom and requires a 1,000 searches per month minimum.
  • The price to search Denver County is $5.00 and the rest of the state is $5.00. Therefore, the state wide combination search is $10.00 ($5.00+$5.00).
  • The price for a search is the same regardless of whether many results are returned or no results are returned.

In many cases, your search will return more than one result. You have up to 24 hours after the initial search to review any or all of the results by going through the Search History tab located under My Profile without being charged again. Once the 24 hour window has passed the search will need to be submitted and paid for again.

When conducting a name search, you may search up to FOUR (4) First Names using the Same Last Name. All First Names MUST be submitted in the initial search by typing the first names into First Name space, separated by commas. The Last Name will remain the same for the search.

*IMPORTANT: If you simply resubmit the search again rather than entering the various First Names at one time, you will be billed separately for each name searched.

Example: Your target has the name of John Smith. But you are not certain of his exact first name spelling. You may search John, Jon, Jonathon, Jonathan – SMITH, all for the price of one search, provided you submitted all those names within one search.